The procurement and contracting landscape within Australian local government is on the brink of transformation. We are proud to announce the launch of Local Government Contracts Australia (LGCA), a groundbreaking initiative committed to bringing Ethical, Practical, and Sustainable Value to local government procurement and contracting Consistently across Australia.

Why LGCA is Being Created

With over two decades of experience working with local governments and state-based aggregators, we have gained valuable insights into the persistent challenges within the procurement and contracting landscape. These experiences have inspired us to establish LGCA with a mission to set a new benchmark by tackling deeply rooted issues such as Tendering Regulations that overlook best practices in panel establishment and management, barriers to entry for small businesses, excessive costs, overly stringent tendering requirements, and the lack of robust contracting principles. Our aim is to create a fair, open, and competitive marketplace where all suppliers, particularly small and regional businesses and startups, have equal opportunities to secure work with councils.

Our focus goes beyond the old ‘set and forget’ approach to running a tender, which leaves all stakeholders to ‘figure it out for themselves.’ Our support continues through the quoting, evaluation, recommendation, and award stages to ensure proper processes are managed practically, efficiently, and compliantly. We ensure that every contract is entered into with a comprehensive understanding by all parties, making the transition from sourcing to contract management seamless. The era of ‘Direct Negotiations’ or simply referencing a contract number on a P.O. is over. We uphold best practice contracting standards to benefit all involved.

LGCA Vision and Mission

Vision To revolutionise local government procurement and contracting by fostering an inclusive, transparent, and sustainable marketplace that benefits all stakeholders, including councils, suppliers, and the community. We help Suppliers, not judge them!

Mission To establish and manage a transparent, innovative, and open “National Local Government Supplier Register” that provides councils with a reliable and competitively neutral platform for procurement and contracting. We are guided by principles that ensure every process is fair, transparent, and beneficial for all stakeholders.

Cost Savings and Accessibility

A core tenet of LGCA is the elimination of fees associated with accessing procurement opportunities for contractors. We will not charge for downloading tender documents or impose annual ‘admin’ or ‘verification’ fees. These cost-saving measures are designed to lower the barriers to entry for all suppliers, promoting a more inclusive and dynamic procurement environment.

Access to qualified procurement, contracting, probity, training and associated Consulting Services will be a highlight. We believe that these categories of service should be subject to the same scrutiny of any other category. LGCA is proud to champion the first national arrangement for these categories, specifically for local councils and government organisations.

Supporting Small and Regional Businesses

LGCA is particularly committed to supporting small, regional businesses and startups. By providing easy access to procurement opportunities and removing unnecessary financial burdens, we aim to empower these businesses to compete effectively and thrive within the local government sector. Our goal is to foster an environment where innovation and local economic development are nurtured and sustained.

What LGCA Is

LGCA is a comprehensive, competitively neutral platform dedicated to best practice procurement and contracting principles. Our focus is on ensuring that every contract entered into is grounded in Ethical, Practical, and Sustainable Value, benefiting all stakeholders, including the community. LGCA is not a consulting firm, that is why all training and support is provided for free to Buyers AND Suppliers, all we do is contracts. Key components of LGCA include:

· Best Practice Procurement and Contracting LGCA adheres to the highest standards of procurement practices, ensuring transparency, fairness, and compliance with all Contracts and relevant Regulations.

· National Local Government Supplier Register This robust and compliant methodology establishes a panel of qualified suppliers, ensuring councils have access to a diverse pool of reliable and competent providers.

· Competitive Quotes and Robust Evaluation LGCA helps buyers obtain competitive quotes and undertake thorough evaluations, ensuring that resulting contracts meet all audit standards and governance principles that withstand any Reasonable Person test.

· Mutual Engagement Framework Our framework promotes effective collaboration between councils and suppliers, ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes and alignment of objectives.

Ethical, Practical, and Sustainable Procurement

LGCA is dedicated to promoting procurement practices that are ethical, practical, and sustainable. Our platform ensures that all procurement activities are conducted with integrity, accountability, and a focus on long-term value. This approach not only benefits councils and suppliers but also contributes to the overall well-being of the community.

What’s in it for Suppliers

1. Cost Savings: Elimination of fees for accessing procurement opportunities, including free downloading of tender documents and no annual admin or verification fees.

2. Equal Opportunities: A fair, open, and competitive marketplace where small, regional businesses and startups have the same chances to secure work as larger companies.

3. Access to Opportunities: Easy access to a diverse range of procurement opportunities within the local government sector, fostering innovation and economic development.

4. Free Support and Training: Comprehensive support and training provided at no cost to help suppliers navigate the procurement process and improve their competitiveness.

5. Simplified Processes: Streamlined and transparent procurement processes that reduce unnecessary financial and administrative burdens on suppliers.

What’s in it for Councils

1. Best Practice Procurement: Adherence to the highest standards of procurement practices, ensuring transparency, fairness, and compliance with relevant regulations.

2. Diverse Supplier Pool: Access to a national register of qualified suppliers, providing a diverse pool of reliable and competent providers for all procurement needs.

3. Cost Efficiency: Reduction of procurement costs through competitive quotes and robust evaluation processes, ensuring value for money and audit compliance.

4. Enhanced Collaboration: A mutual engagement framework that promotes effective collaboration between councils and suppliers, aligning objectives for mutually beneficial outcomes.

5. Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Commitment to ethical, practical, and sustainable procurement practices that benefit councils, suppliers, and the community, ensuring long-term value and integrity in all transactions.

Where to From Here?

For Buyers

Please register to gain access to the LGCA Buyers Hub, where you will find comprehensive information about LGCA and its processes. This hub is designed to support your procurement activities and keep you informed about upcoming events and training sessions.

For Suppliers

You can Request to Qualify to gain further information and complete all compliance requirements to be registered on the National Local Government Supplier Register. This qualification ensures your inclusion in a trusted pool of suppliers ready to engage with councils across Australia.

Upcoming Sessions

We will be conducting multiple briefing sessions for both buyers and suppliers to provide in-depth explanations of our processes and support you in navigating the LGCA platform effectively.

Going Live

As we gather more registrations, we plan to ‘go live’ with contract construction between parties in the coming weeks and months.

Join us in transforming the procurement and contracting landscape within Australian local government.



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