



About LGCA

We are proud to announce the launch of Local Government Contracts Australia (LGCA ) in 2024 with a new wave of innovation for government procurement and contracting.

With over two decades of experience working with local governments and state-based aggregators, we have gained valuable insights into the persistent challenges within the procurement and contracting landscape. These experiences have inspired us to establish LGCA with a mission to set a new benchmark by tackling deeply rooted issues such as Tendering Regulations that overlook best practices in panel establishment and management, barriers to entry for small businesses, excessive costs, overly stringent tendering requirements, and the lack of robust contracting principles. Our aim is to create a fair, open, and competitive marketplace where all suppliers, particularly small and regional businesses and startups, have equal opportunities to secure work with councils.

To revolutionise local government procurement and contracting by fostering an inclusive, transparent, and sustainable marketplace that benefits all stakeholders, including councils, suppliers, and the community.

To establish and manage a transparent, innovative, and open National Local Government Supplier Register that provides councils with a reliable and competitively neutral platform for procurement and contracting. We are guided by principles that ensure every process is fair, transparent, and beneficial for all stakeholders.

Vision & Mission

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