Local Councils in Australia currently utilise traditional tendering and panel arrangement market methods for sourcing.
LGCA brings a new approach to engage suppliers in complete compliance with state specific regulations.

What Are The Benefits to Council?

Best Practice Procurement

Adherence to the highest standards of procurement practices, ensuring transparency, fairness, and compliance with relevant regulations.

Diverse Supplier Pool

Access to a national register of qualified suppliers, providing a diverse pool of reliable and competent providers for all procurement needs.

Cost Efficiency

Reduction of procurement costs through competitive quotes and robust evaluation processes, ensuring value for money and audit compliance.

Enhanced Collaboration

Enhanced Collaboration: A mutual engagement framework that promotes effective collaboration between councils and suppliers, aligning objectives for mutually beneficial outcomes.

Ethical and Sustainable Practices

Commitment to ethical, practical, and sustainable procurement practices that benefit councils, suppliers, and the community, ensuring long-term value and integrity in all transactions.